School service has been revised for the following routes:

Date School Variation

Friday, September 27

No Public Schools Cancel all trips on Routes 701 to 799
Blessed Marie Rose Cancel service on Route 882
Christ the King Cancel service on Route 879
Father James Whelihan Cancel service on Routes 877 and 878
Madeleine d’Houet Cancel service on Routes 832 and 833
Msgr. J Smith Cancel service on Route 845
Our Lady of Assumption Cancel service on Route 896
Our Lady of Grace Cancel service on Route 839
St. Alphonsus Cancel service on Route 872
St. Bonaventure Cancel service on Route 835
St. Elizabeth Seton Cancel service on Route 887
St. Gregory Cancel service on Routes 894 and 895
St. Isabella Cancel  service on Route 892
St. Jean Brebeuf Cancel service on Routes 801 to 807
St. Martha’s Cancel service on Route 871
St. Matthew Cancel service on Route 880
St. Stephen Cancel service on Route 858
St. Vincent de Paul Cancel service on Route 836

High Schools from Catholic Board have classes and buses will run on Friday schedule for those.

Fall 2024 Changes
698 Various schools Schedule change
699 Various schools Map change
702 Sir Winston Churchill / Nolan Hill Reduced service
710-719 Lord Beaverbrook High School Schedule / map change
714 Lord Beaverbrook High School / McKenzie Towne Route modified
716 Lord Beaverbrook High School / New Brighton NEW route
720 Lord Beaverbrook High School / Prestwick NEW route
723 Bowness High / Tuscany Hills

Route deleted, replaced with Route 26. Note: Route 26 will run some morning and after school trips Aug 29 and 30, coinciding with the start and end of school each day. Regular all-day service starts Sept 3.

724 Bowness High / Tuscany North Reduced service
734 John G. Diefenbaker / Evanston Schedule change
736 John G. Diefenbaker / Evanston Route modified
738 John G. Diefenbaker Route deleted
739 John G. Diefenbaker Route deleted
744 Crescent Heights Route deleted
746 Crescent Heights Route deleted
747 Crescent Heights Route deleted
748 Crescent Heights Route deleted
752 James Fowler / Redstone Route modified
753 James Fowler / Sage Hill / Kincora / Evanston Route modified
755 James Fowler / Skyview Route modified
756 James Fowler / Cornerstone Route modified
757 Joane Cardinal-Schubert / Copperfield Schedule change
758 Joane Cardinal-Schubert / New Brighton Schedule change
771 Robert Thirsk / Nolan Hill Route modified
772 Robert Thirsk / Citadel Schedule change
773 Robert Thirsk / Rocky Ridge Schedule change
774 Robert Thirsk / Royal Oak Schedule change
796-797 Tom Baines / Edgemont Schedule change
809-820 St. Francis Schedule change
809 St. Francis High / Nolan Hill / Edgemont NEW route
819 St. Francis High / Nolan Hill Route modified
809-820 St. Francis Schedule change
823 Bishop McNally Schedule change
836 Sir Vincent DePaul / Silver Springs Schedule change
845 Monsignor J.S. Smith / Mahagony Schedule change
848 Our Lady of the Rockies / New Brighton Route modified
862 All Saints High / Seton Route modified
877-878 Father James Whelihan Schedule change
879 Christ the King / Cranston NEW route

Please note these variations could change with or without notice.